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  • Planned giving – leave a legacy with Home Suite Hope through a bequest in your will

  • Oakville Community Foundation Fund – allocate the interest of your OCF fund to Home Suite Hope



Just like wealth, so can poverty be passed on in families. Children raised in poverty are in danger of repeating the cycle. Home Suite Hope helps families change past patterns of poverty into a lasting legacy of prosperity and stability for generations. Poverty is more than not having enough money—it is about having a lack of trusting relationships, resources, and people who believe in us.
At Home Suite Hope, we give our participants access to the most needed supports so they can transform their lives permanently: access to a free college education; employment programs; and rental subsidies that ensure there are roofs over their heads while they work to stabilize their futures. We add in mental health supports, dedicated caseworkers, life-skills training, mentors and more.
We provide all of this at the same time because poverty is not caused by one thing going wrong. Poverty is caused by a tangle of problems. To break the cycle permanently, a set of wrap-around supports are needed all at once.


Through the United Nations, the world has adopted a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As all UN members come together for a global movement to make a collective change, all local organizations must also come together to create an even brighter and prosperous world.
Home Suite Hope prides itself as a leading local charitable organization that aligns our organizational mandate with the UN’s SDGs. To make our contribution towards the 2030 Agenda, we empower our participants by changing the patterns of poverty to a legacy of prosperity through education, economic opportunities and bridging the gender pay gap. Our transformative and innovative wraparound approach to poverty reduction considers the needs of the whole family helping them stabilize their lives so together, they can become self-sufficient, breaking the cycle of poverty.
Home Suite Hope is a part of the solution towards building a more sustainable and resilient future for single-parent families and the greater global community.


Poverty is more than the absence of money. Poverty is a repetitive cycle of inadequate resources including money, social network and career opportunities. A rhythm of lacking that is handed down from one generation to the next. Home Suite Hope’s aim is to break this cycle of poverty for single parents and their children. Poverty is more than the absence of money. Poverty is a repetitive cycle of inadequate resources including money, social network and career opportunities. A rhythm of lacking that is handed down from one generation to the next. Home Suite Hope’s aim is to break this cycle of poverty for single parents and their children.

Ultimately, Home Suite Hope aims to permanently change lives for the better.


Home Suite Hope provides wraparound supports to single-parent families in Halton Region that are experiencing homelessness and/or precarious housing. There are 2 main programs that are offered: Stabilizing First Halton and Homeward Bound Halton.

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Comforting Hands

Since 2015, Home Suite Hope has been providing nearly $50,000 in multifaceted support services for each family annually, through our programs —to help create better futures for Halton’s single-parent families who face homelessness and economic hardship. By giving voice to the unique challenges resulting from poverty, Home Suite Hope helps transform the lives of approximately 30 single-parent-led families per year.

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The Bigger Picture

Women are the poorest of the poor, especially those raising children as lone-parents and those living as unattached seniors. According to the latest census in 2016 there were 1,114,055 lone-parent families making up 19.2 percent of all families. By 2016, lone-parent families accounted for two in ten families with children under age 16. Lone mother led families’ account for 905,630 of all lone-parent families. Thirty nine percent of lone-parent families lived in low-income households in 2015. Furthermore the low-income rate is much higher for mother led families (42%) compared to father led (25.5%).

Home Suite Hope strives to be Halton’s preferred and most efficient service provider for its marginalized single parent populations. On average, 80% of lone-parent families are female-headed in Halton, with 11,965 living between Burlington and Oakville. This is reflective and statistically in line with the number of the lone-parent families in Canada. In May 2018 Halton reported 2,078 families dependent on Ontario Works (OW) benefits living far below the cost of living. With the extremely low vacancy rate, 11.4% increase, $697.00 for housing (2 children) and $360 for basic needs, this population is vulnerable to precarious housing and homelessness.

Opportunities for employment and employment skills to address poverty and income security is a top priority, according to Halton Region. In Oakville, on average, women earn 52 cents for every dollar earned by men. That’s an enormous hardship for the 19% of single mothers living in poverty in Halton (over double the national average). In supporting local Housing First case managers to match this population’s needs to outcome goals (e.g. reducing and eliminating dependence on subsidies), we provide integral services in Halton Region’s Housing First “continuum of care” to substantially reduce or eliminate that hardship. Labour market viability is the only route out of independence for these vulnerable single parents and their young at-risk families.

Home Suite Hope unites a network of vital support services for single parents and their children, which support them on their journey from poverty to stability. The primary objective of Home Suite Hope is to help single parents build the necessary skills (education and/or employment as well as enhanced life skills) to move from dependency on government-provided subsidies to self-sufficiency.

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(905) 339-2370

 1-200 North Service Rd. W #424, Oakville, ON L6M 2Y1

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©2022 by Unity Charity Service. HSH Charity No: 85975 5308 RR0001

Pease note Home Suite Hope is not an emergency shelter. Please contact 311 if you’re in need of emergency accommodations.

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