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Happy Holidays!


Thank you.

Home Suite Hope is grateful to everyone who supported our annual Hope 4 Holidays campaign for the 2022 holiday season.

This campaign connects HSH’s single parents and their children with the community through the spirit of giving. There were several ways to get involved – and our community rallied around our single-parent families and did just that.

Many sponsored a family’s (in some cases more than one) wish lists.

Some sponsors wished to remain anonymous, but you know who you are and so do we: thank you.

Among the generous family sponsors are:

Stacey Bean, Family & Friends

Nicola McNeish

The Sharma Family

Kate Fudge & Family

Connie Wells Graham & Friends


Karla Coutinho

SPINCO Oakville

Jodi Ball & Family

The Tracey Family

Karen & Ray Spence

The Pointon Family

Clarity Recruitment

Jennifer Chambers & Family

Miller DKI Restoration Niagara

Special shout-outs to the Oakville Professional Firefighters for including Home Suite Hope as one of the beneficiaries of its annual Toy Drive – and for bringing Santa to our annual Hope 4 Holidays Holiday Dinner so the jolly elf could personally deliver a gift to each of our families’ children.

Thanks to Sheridan College Conference Centre for hosting our dinner for our single-parent families.

The Mondelez GTA Team not only donated hours of gift wrapping time over a couple of ‘gift wrapping parties’ at our office, but also donated household and personal hygiene products. Thank you to Sharp Storytelling and Samantha and Thomas for their time in helping tell that gift wrapping story.

Thanks to Tara and ruby at Toronto’s Ruby Wow Designs for the special treats dropped off for our families.

Ian Martin Group and Sydney Weston delivered once again in joining with Raise to pack and then deliver Holiday Survival Kits for each of our families.

Engel & Volkers led by Peter Kolisynyk was generous in donating gift cards for our holiday campaign.

Thank you to everyone who donated via CanadaHelps in sharing the spirit of the season.

We also appreciated the donations dropped off by the Oakville Lions Club (Emilio DeLuca and Bahadur Sandhu), Central Baptist Church of Oakville (Ian Hallford) and Precision Record Pressing Inc. (Ernie Addezi, Senior Vice President, and Diandra Giannattasio, Human Resources Manager).

Thanks to former HSH Board member Bill Perras for dropping off the beautiful donation of poinsettias for our single parents.

General donations were also dropped off by generous members of the community including: the Mondelez GTA Team, Tahlia Dyer, Taryn Herritt, Lululemon ambassador and local yoga instruction Maggie Aynsley, Joanne Fuller, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Organization of Oakville

and Hina Ejaz, Mary Sheridan, F45 Gym Glen Abbey and the Halton Shoebox Project, to name some.

HSH also sends its heartfelt thanks to all those not mentioned here by name, some of whom donated anonymously, and who gave of their time, talent, or financial support to help brighten this holiday for our participant families.

Thank you all for sharing your holiday spirit with our single parents and their families!

Happy Holidays!


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(905) 339-2370

 1-200 North Service Rd. W #424, Oakville, ON L6M 2Y1

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©2022 by Unity Charity Service. HSH Charity No: 85975 5308 RR0001

Pease note Home Suite Hope is not an emergency shelter. Please contact 311 if you’re in need of emergency accommodations.

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