Home Suite Hope is welcoming new applicants. Are you, or do you know someone, who could benefit from our programming?
Home Suite Hope (HSH) is a long-time Halton charitable organization that helps single parents who are low income earners, in precarious housing or facing homelessness, stabilize in housing, obtain a post-secondary education and gain employment in order to become self-sufficient in providing for their children. This is done through a four-year program called Homeward Bound Halton.
We are working together to transform the patterns of poverty into a legacy of empowered prosperity. Providing safe and affordable housing, job training, education, and other essential services allows families to take charge of their lives and create a better future for themselves and their children.
We know that true change takes time and effort. Our approach focuses on working with families over the long term, building relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Together with our dedicated staff members, volunteers, donors, and community partners, we are making a real difference in the lives of families in need - one family at a time.
Our Programs
Stabilizing First & Homeward Bound Halton

Stabilizing First Halton is a one-year program designed to help homeless or precariously housed single parent families with stabilizing their situation. With a rental subsidy, goal-oriented intensive case management, and wrap-around supports, parents are given the opportunity to take a moment, make a plan, and focus on the tasks at-hand to stabilize their lives. It is the preparatory program for Homeward Bound Halton. All participants enter Home Suite Hope through Stabilizing First Halton.
Homeward Bound Halton is the first Canadian replication of WoodGreen’s Homeward Bound in Toronto. It is designed to aid participants by giving them the opportunity to secure employment through a post-secondary education. The program is an up to three-year program that offers a full scholarship to complete a two-year diploma at Sheridan College followed by up to a year of employment search support upon graduation.
There are two streams: (1) Academic Training, a course list developed through a market research study of employable programs, and (2) Jill of All Trades, a course list of employment in the trades sector.
When transitioning into independent living, unexpected challenges may arise where guidance may be needed. The Aftercare program is a non-residential program designed to assist participants as they transition from their completed HSH program into independent living.
Step Forward
This is a two-year program that provides individuals housed through the Rapid Housing Initiative with intensive case management, life skills programming, community connections, and goal-oriented service plans to maintain housing and increase the participant's quality of life and community engagement.
Do You Know Someone Who Could Benefit From HSH Programming?

Who is Eligible?
1. Single Parent
2. Between the ages of 18 and 50
3. Halton Resident
4. Homeless, or at risk of immediate homelessness
5. On or eligible for OW, ODSP, or EI
6. Maximum of three (3) dependents, with at least one (1) in primary care
7. Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
8. English proficiency
*Note: Full eligiblity list can be found on our website: HomeSuiteHope.org
How to Apply
HSH is ready when you are – we accept applications year-round.
To take that first step, head to our website HomeSuiteHope.org to download and complete the Stabilizing First Application and Consent Form. All completed forms must be submitted by email to: HousingStabilityFund@Halton.ca
Please include the subject line: “Attention: Home Suite Hope Application”
Referral and Support Services
Food for Life
HMC Connections
Kerr Street Mission
Shifra Homes
Contact HSH
200 North Service Rd W. #424
Oakville ON L6M 2Y1
If you are a community agency worker please think about potential clients for referral.
Our case workers, Temisha Jacques and Haley Weber along with HSH Program Manager
Nikkian Hanson are spreading the word. If you are interested in learning more about HSH, please reach out to temishaj@homesuitehope.org; haleyw@homesuitehope.org; nikkianh@homesuitehope.org or info@homesuitehope.org.
Together, we can transform patterns of poverty into legacies of
empowered prosperity